The Project & Studio Financing Snapshot January 2025

Updated for the new year, the Project & Studio Financing Snapshot provides the business outlook on two main methods of video game financing, project and studio, from our business development and investment services teams.
Overall, the industry is showing signs of cautious optimism, viewing 2025 as the year the “industry turns the corner” after a rollercoaster hangover from COVID-driven record years. While both project and studio financing remain low, our outlook for both is slight warming as publishers close out their fiscal years and look towards content needs for 2026/2027, M&As continue to be a buyer’s market, and investment firms, including web3, have capital to deploy.
We hope you find it to be useful. If you have any feedback, we’d love to hear it.
— The DDM Data & Research Team
Download the Project & Studio Financing Snapshot and other reports!
Download the free Project & Studio Financing Snapshot January 2025. We also offer free reports including the recently released Console/PC Games Investment Report, Mobile Games Investment Report, Game Developers Investment Report, and the quarterly Games Investment Review Executive Summary. Each quarter, we also release a paid Transaction Bundle available on our website at that includes table lists of the quarter’s full investment and M&A transactions across seven industry segments. We always welcome your feedback at